My assorted projects, W.I.P.'s, and thoughts on what I'm up to, and what is going on in the gaming industry.

Monday, April 3

Who's that pretty girl in that window there?

Finally I'm making some progress on a 3d model that's not mechanical. We were given a t-pose concept to box model a 1,000 poly model from in class, but since I wanted to practice modeling with cylinders instead I've started modeling it that way as well. Also, this time instead of converting it to an editable mesh I converted it to an editable poly.

So far I've massed out the whole woman and now need to go in and add detail. I've been using basic cylinders, and a box for the head. Then from there I add edge loops, and move the verts.

This is what's finished so far. Thanks to Ben Mathis at for his wonderful modelling tutorials. Expect more pictures by later tonight!



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